Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Response to a Classmate

My classmate Jordan has some interesting words for the Americans protesting Donald Trump's victory. I feel as though he has been swept away in the media's rendition of what is occurring during these protests, as well as a vague, ill-informed theory as to why they are happening in the first place. These protests are not because a particular candidate lost. Hell, some of the people protesting didn't even vote for Hilary Clinton. "The people" did not elect Trump, Clinton has won the popular vote by over 2 million at this point and continues to rise. So no, the people did not choose this man, they chose the lesser of the two evils. The protests are all that can currently be done to bring exposure to, and hopefully stop, any discriminatory actions that may very likely occur now that Trump is our President-Elect. These protests are not simply just anti-policy protests, they are a symbol for all who are afraid that there people who will care for, support, and will come to the aide of all who are targeted. While there is the possibility that Trump himself is not a racists, xenophobic, misogynist twit, there are millions (not all) of people who are and voted for him for sharing their "ideals". Trump, as the new figure head (as my classmate calls him), by not filtering himself, or condemning the actions of his followers, has given the green light to all those who feel deep rooted resentment towards certain groups of people. In the weeks since the election hate crimes have skyrocketed. People are being harassed, bullied, beaten, violated, and property has been vandalized. And this is from the side that won?! This horrible man has allowed a dark secret to re-emerge within our cities and towns. There is very much reason to be afraid, not only of damning and discriminatory policies, but also of their own countrymen. These protests, are not necessarily about Trump, but rather what he stands for. Yes there has been a few accounts of vandalism and violence at these protests, but there are really only a few few cases out of the hundreds that have been, and currently are still, held. Sure they shouldn't block roads, but how else would you get media attention? They want the world to see that they do not agree with, or belong with, the foul humans who voted for a power mad, lying, bigoted asshole. They want those in fear to know that they are not alone. Media attention can be a good thing if used properly. I think my classmate's tone in his article is harsh, un-empathetic, and rather more of a rant than a well thought out comment. Life is very hard, and for these minority groups it is even harder. As long as your skin color is white, and you are some form of God worshiping Christian, life can be relatively simple. These protests aren't "sniveling" kids boo-hooing about a lost election. It is so much more than that. If at any moment people actually stopped and looked into what is happening in our country, they would quickly realize this. So no, I and many like me will not "SHUT THE FUCK UP". We will continue to scream and fight until our lungs give out and our fists bleed. An injustice has been forced upon us and these protests are only the beginning.

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